2016年7月29日 藪中俊介氏 (終了)

日時: 2016年7月29日(金)16:00〜17:30
場所: 首都大学東京 8号館301号室 
講師: 藪中俊介氏(京都大学基礎物理学研究所)
題目: Self-propelled motion of a fluid droplet under chemical reaction

要旨: We study self-propelled dynamics of a droplet due to a Marangoni effect and chemical reactions in a binary fluid with a dilute third component of chemical product which affects the interfacial energy of a droplet. The equation for the migration velocity of the center of mass of a droplet is derived in the limit of an infinitesimally thin interface. We found that there is a bifurcation from a motionless state to a propagating state of droplet by changing the strength of the Marangoni effect. We also carry out direct numerical integration of our theoretical model. We investigate the effect of convection of the third dilute component and collision between two self-propelling droplets, which are not easy to investigate theoretically.

[1] S. Yabunaka, T. Ohta and N. Yoshinaga, JCP (2012)
[2] S. Yabunaka and N. Yoshinaga, submitted to JFM (2016)