2016年9月29日 Prof. Hsuan-Yi Chen (終了)

日時: 2016年9月29日(木)16:00〜17:30
場所: 首都大学東京 8号館300号室 
講師: Prof. Hsuan-Yi Chen(National Central University, Taiwan)
題目: Hydrodynamic theory of stratified epithelial tissues

要旨:A stratified epithelial tissue has a thin layer of proliferative cells located close to the basal membrane above which is a relatively thick layer of non-proliferative cells. Cell division in the proliferative layer and cell apoptosis in the non-proliferatve layer fluidize the tissue in the long time scale. In this talk I will introduce a simple theoretical model describing the dynamics of such a tissue close to its homeostasis state. The subtle role of flow-induced by cell turnover in the tissue on the dynamics will be the main focus of the talk. We show that on one hand cell turnover drives a tissue back to is homeostass state, on the other hand when the proliferative layer is sufficiently thick the flow induced by cell turnover can slow down the relaxation dynamics. The implication of our results on tissue development and tumor growth will be discussed.