2015年11月27日 Prof. Alexander S. Mikhailov (終了)

日時: 2015年11月27日(金)11:00〜13:00
場所: 首都大学東京 8号館300号室 
講師: Prof. Alexander S. Mikhailov(Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society)
題目: Hydrodynamic collective effects of active proteins in biological cells

要旨: Recent in vivo experiments with optical tracking of particles in living
biological cells indicate that active forces strongly dominate thermal Brownian forces in the cellular environment, impacting motion of objects from nanometers to microns in scale. As we show [PNAS 112, E3639 (2015)], such non-thermal fluctuating forces can arise from hydrodynamic stirring of the cytoplasm by various protein machines, enzymes and molecular motors that densely populate the cell. Independent of their specific functions, all such macromolecules are repeatedly changing their conformations and act as oscillating stochastic force dipoles. Numerical estimates reveal that hydrodynamic collective effects of active proteins may account for the experimentally observed dramatic diffusion enhancement in the cytoplasm under ATP supply.